The first paragraph. The first chapter. The first post. Those are always the hardest to write, aren't they? There is a lot hanging on those first bits of writing. It's really no wonder so many people fear to write, because it is so hard to get past that first section. What they often don't realize is that there is a wonderful tool to use to make that 'first' better: rewriting and editing. It doesn't have to be perfect the first time!
And so I tell myself as I write this: it doesn't have to be perfect the first time! I would, however, like it to be fairly good, but I realize I won't be instantly an amazing blogger. Bear with me, then!
Me, in disguise! |
Let me introduce myself. I'm Autumn Lee! That's actually my online/author pseudonym. I was born on the first day of fall, and my nickname is Lee. That's what I like to be called online - Lee - but I suppose you can call me Autumn. ;) I'm 18, a week-old freshman at my local community college, Tri-C, and a finishing Ambleside Online student. My career goal is to be an editor, though I don't know yet what field - magazines, newspapers, books? I will just have to see where God leads me. Which is another point about me - I am a born-again believer, saved in 2010, and still working on a closer relationship with God. I attend a local Baptist church, and am working on being baptized and becoming a member.
I was born in Oregon, and have lived also in Wyoming, Nebraska, and Ohio (my current residence). I've been to about 20 or so states, but never traveled outside of the U.S.A. I'm hoping to go to Canada and Niagara Falls soon.
Kawaii |
I almost forgot my family! I live with my dad, mom, 'little' brother (more later), and my cat. My dad is a trains-planes-cars guy, who built his own Shelby Cobra and is working on his pilot's license. He also likes to do GoPro videos, especially of airshows. My mom is stay-at-home, homeschooling my brother and me. She's working on her Master's of Education, and plans on being a teacher. Yellow and pens are her favorites. My 'little' brother, online pseudonym Fox, is 15, but not so little anymore. He's a head taller than me - and doesn't he know it! Fox loves superheroes, video games, and food. Being a Marine is his plan. Finally, my cat - Kawaii Meowzer Piggy B-----. Yep, that's her name. (last name not included for family privacy) 'Kawaii' is Japanese for 'cute', because she is adorable! Well, sometimes. She likes to use her cute powers to influence us for evil - mainly, giving her scraps of food. She is a very noisy one sometimes, hence 'Meowzer'; and as mentioned before, she loves food, but she's a little chubby, hence 'Piggy'. Kawaii is my own kitty, who likes to snuggle with me under my blankets on cold nights.
Now, off of me and onto the blog. What's the purpose of this blog? I want to blog because I would like to get a little 'more' out of the things I do everyday. What do I mean by that? Well, one thing I would like to do is book reviews. Rather than just passively reading a book for fun, I would like to prod deeper into it, form thoughts and conclusions about it, and write those down. I might like to record a day with words, or with photos, that I might otherwise forget about without a record. I want to voice some of my deep, searching thoughts and poems, and use it to explore my own self and search out truth. And so, this blog is a self-enrichment one. I believe that through thinking and writing, people can grow more in knowledge and spirit.
So, expect to see many different posts on here: book reviews and other reviews, photos, poems, short stories, essays, news, or just random thoughts.
And, with that, the first post is complete!